Asphalt 5 HD v3.1.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
Samsung GT-P1000L
Samsung SCH-T849 Galaxy Tab
Samsung SPH-P100
Asphalt 5 HD v3.1.9: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
Asphalt 5 HD v3.2.1: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A855 Droid,
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroid/Sholes Tablet
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
HTC Desire/Bravo
HTC Evo 4G
HTC Google Nexus One
Asphalt 5 HD v3.2.2: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Asphalt 5 HD v3.2.3: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Asphalt 5 HD v3.3.2: This game has 2 different apk files
HTC Scorpion (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase (Patched by Djeman)
================================================== ===
Assassin's Creed™ Altaïr's Chronicles HD v3.3.1: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A855 Droid
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroid/Sholes Tablet
HTC Desire/Bravo
HTC Evo 4G
HTC Google Nexus One
HTC Incredible
Assassin's Creed™ Altaïr's Chronicles HD v3.3.2: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
Assassin's Creed™ Altaïr's Chronicles HD v3.3.3: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Assassin's Creed™ Altaïr's Chronicles HD v3.3.4: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Scorpion
Assassin's Creed™ Altaïr's Chronicles HD v3.3.7: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Assassin's Creed™ Altaïr's Chronicles HD v3.4.3: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate
Assassin's Creed™ Altaïr's Chronicles HD v3.4.6: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola Milestone 2
================================================== ===
Brothers In Arms® 2: Global Front HD v3.0.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
Samsung SGH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Brothers In Arms® 2: Global Front HD v3.1.6: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire HD
HTC Desire Z
HTC My Touch 4G
HTC Scorpion
James Cameron’s Avatar HD v3.2.7: This game has 3 different apk files (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A855 Droid
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroid/Sholes Tablet
HTC Incredible
James Cameron’s Avatar HD v3.2.8: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Evo 4G
James Cameron’s Avatar HD v3.2.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
James Cameron’s Avatar HD v3.2.9: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Scorpion
James Cameron’s Avatar HD v3.3.3: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire Z
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.1.1: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Evo 4G
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.1.6: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A855 Droid
HTC Incredible
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.2.3: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SGH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola Droid X
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.2.4: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.4.2: (Patched by Djeman)
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.4.7: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A855 Droid
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroid/Sholes Tablet
HTC Desire/Bravo
HTC Evo 4G
HTC Incredible
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.4.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A955 Droid 2
HTC Desire Z
HTC Scorpion
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.4.9: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.5.0: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.5.3: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.5.5: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
Samsung GT-P1000L
Samsung SCH-T849 Galaxy Tab
Samsung SPH-P100
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.5.6: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
Samsung GT-P1000L
Samsung SGH-T849 GalaxyTab
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.5.7: (x10 has it's own version) (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroi / Sholes Tablet
HTC Desire / Bravo
HTC Google Nexus One
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.5.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola MB525 Defy
Dungeon Hunter HD v3.5.9: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola Milestone 2
Fishing Kings HD v3.2.6: (Patched by Djeman)
- Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
- Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
- Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
- Samsung GT-i9000T
- Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
- Samsung SCH-i500 Galaxy S
- Samsung SGH-T959 Vibrant
- Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
- Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a
- Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
- Motorola A855 Droid
- Motorola A955 Droid 2
- Motorola MB525 Defy
- Motorola Milestone
- HTC Desire / Bravo
- HTC Desire HD
- HTC Desire Z
- HTC Evo 4G
- HTC Incredible
- HTC My Touch 4G
- HTC Scorpion
Gangstar West Coast Hustle HD v3.0.3: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Evo 4G
Gangstar West Coast Hustle HD v3.0.6: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i800 Galaxy Tab
Samsung SPH-P100
Gangstar West Coast Hustle HD v3.0.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
Samsung GT-P1000L
Samsung SCH-T849 Galaxy Tab
Gangstar West Coast Hustle HD v3.0.9: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola Droid X
Gangstar West Coast Hustle HD v3.3.7: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Gangstar West Coast Hustle HD v3.3.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
Motorola A855 Droid
Motorola Milestone
HTC Incredible
Gangstar West Coast Hustle HD v3.4.0: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Scorpion
Gangstar West Coast Hustle HD v3.4.1: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Gangstar West Coast Hustle HD v3.4.7: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire Z
Hero of Sparta HD v3.2.1: (Patched by Djeman)
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
Hero of Sparta HD v3.2.6: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Scorpion
Hero of Sparta HD v3.2.7: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire Z
Hero of Sparta HD v3.3.0: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate
HTC Desire/Bravo
HTC Google Nexus One
Hero of Sparta HD v3.3.9: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
Samsung GT-P1000L
Samsung SCH-T849 Galaxy Tab
Samsung SPH-P100
Hero of Sparta HD v3.4.0: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Google Nexus One
HTC Desire/Bravo
HTC Incredible
HTC Desire Z
HTC desire HD
HTC My touch 4G
Motorola Droid
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Droid 2
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroi
Motorola Milestone 2
Motorola Jordan
Samsung Galaxy S
Samsung Vibrant
Samsung Epic 4G
Samsung Fascinate
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
Let’s Golf HD v3.1.1: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire HD
Let’s Golf HD v3.1.4: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
Samsung GT-P1000L
Samsung SCH-T849 Galaxy Tab
Samsung SPH-P100
Let’s Golf HD v3.2.2: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Let’s Golf HD v3.2.4: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Let’s Golf HD v3.2.7: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire Z
Let’s Golf HD v3.2.8: This game has 2 different apk files. (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a (Outdated, go to v3.3.2 for latest version)
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i (Outdated, go to v3.3.2 for latest version)
Let’s Golf HD v3.2.9: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
Let’s Golf HD v3.3.2: This game has 2 different apk files. (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A855 Droid
Motorola Motoroid/Sholes Tablet
HTC Desire/Bravo
HTC Evo 4G
HTC Google Nexus One
HTC Incredible
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
Let’s Golf HD v3.3.5: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Scorpion
Let’s Golf 2 HD v3.0.2: (Patched by Djeman)
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
Let’s Golf 2 HD v3.0.3: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire / Bravo
HTC Desire HD
HTC Desire Z
HTC Evo 4G
HTC Incredible
HTC My Touch 4G
HTC Scorpion
Let’s Golf 2 HD v3.0.4: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Samsung SCH-i500 Galaxy S
Samsung SGH-T959 Vibrant
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
Let’s Golf 2 HD v3.0.5: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A855 Droid
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Motorola Droid X
Motorola MB525 Defy
Motorola Milestone
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.0.7: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i800 Galaxy Tab
Samsung SPH-P100
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.0.9: (Outdated, use version 3.1.1) (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
Samsung GT-P1000L
Samsung SCH-T849 Galaxy Tab
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.1.1: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
Samsung GT-P1000L
Samsung SCH-T849 Galaxy Tab
Samsung SPH-P100
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.2.2: (Patched by Djeman)
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.2.6: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.2.7: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.2.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A855 Droid
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroid/Sholes Tablet
HTC Evo 4G
HTC Incredible
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.3.4: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.3.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.4.1: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire Z
Modern Combat Sandstorm HD v3.4.2: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Scorpion
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v3.1.0: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire HD
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v3.1.3: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
Samsung GT-P1000L
Samsung SCH-T849 Galaxy Tab
Samsung SPH-P100
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v3.3.9: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A855 Droid
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroid/Sholes Tablet
HTC Evo 4G
HTC Incredible
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v3.4.1: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v3.4.2: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
Motorola A955 Droid 2
HTC Scorpion
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v3.4.4: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v3.5.0: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire Z
• 8 leagues, 245 teams with Real player names (FIFPro license) and 14 stadiums.
• Local multiplayer mode to go head-to-head with friends.
• Exclusive game modes, including Enter the Legend (play as your favourite player on the field) and the RF League (online leaderboard).
Real Football 2010 HD v3.2.9: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
Real Football 2010 HD v3.3.0: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A855 Droid
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroid/Sholes Tablet
HTC Evo 4G
HTC Incredible
Real Football 2010 HD v3.3.7: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A955 Droid 2
Real Football 2010 HD v3.4.5: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
Real Football 2010 HD v3.5.9: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire Z
HTC Scorpion
Real Football 2010 HD v3.6.0: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
* Find yourself in a pinch? Activate Spidey’s special attack, the Ultimate Web Combo to blast danger away!
* Face off against six of Spider-Man’s toughest enemies gathered in one game for unprecedented mayhem: Sandman, Rhino, Electro, Venom, Dr Octopus, and Green Goblin!
* A sleek graphic style with bold colors and impressive animations – including slow motion – brings the Ultimate Spider-Man universe alive in right your hands!
Spider-Man: Total Mayhem HD v3.0.6: (Patched by Djeman)
- Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
- Samsung GT-P1000L
Spider-Man: Total Mayhem HD v3.2.6: (Patched by Djeman)
- Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
- Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
- Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
- Samsung GT-i9000T
- Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
- Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate/Galaxy S
- Samsung SGH-T959 Vibrant
- Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
- Motorola A855 Droid
- Motorola A955 Droid 2
- Motorola Droid X
- Motorola MB525 Defy
- Motorola Milestone
- HTC Desire Z
- HTC Evo 4G
- HTC Incredible
- HTC My Touch 4G
- Go through 11 levels set in 8 different locations, including a smartphone-exclusive sequence on the Potomac River.
- Experience fully polished 3D graphics with an amazing depth of view.
- The Mark & Execute feature allows you to mark multiple targets then quickly eliminate them all at once.
- The Last Known Position indicates where your enemies think you are, allowing you to outflank and eliminate them.
- Use a wide range of equipment to get rid of foes. Pistols, sonar goggles and camera grenades are at your disposal!
- Beat your opponents in stunning hand-to-hand combat and interrogate enemies to get crucial information.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction™HD v3.1.6 : (Patched by Djeman)
- Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
- Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
- Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
- Samsung GT-i9000T
- Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
- Samsung SGH-T959 Vibrant
- Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
- Motorola A855 Droid
- Motorola A955 Droid 2
- Motorola A955 Droid 2
- Motorola MB525 Jordan
- Motorola Milestone
- HTC Desire / Bravo
- HTC Desire HD
- HTC Desire Z
- HTC Evo 4G
- HTC Incredible
- HTC My Touch 4G
• THE FAMOUS LICENCE, combining the console game's scenario depth and quality.
• 13 MISSIONS TO PUT YOUR PILOT SKILLS TO THE TEST with diverse objectives and gameplay.
• 26 LICENSED PLANES modeled in 3D: as an elite jet fighter, take control of the most advanced planes.
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X HD v3.2.5: (Patched by Djeman)
*Outdated, go to update (version 3.2.8 )*
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X HD v3.2.8: This version has 2 different apk files. (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate
HTC Desire/Bravo
HTC Google Nexus One
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X HD v3.3.7: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire Z
• The UNO™ video game reproduces the classic game’s identity. All your favorites cards are here: Skip, Reverse, and more!
• Intuitive controls: simply drag & drop cards using your finger on the screen and be the first to get rid of all your cards.
• Customize your game with varied rules including 7-0 and Jump-In.
UNO HD v3.1.8: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
Samsung GT-i9000T
Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate
Samsung SCH-T959 Vibrant
Motorola A855 Droid, Motorola Droid X
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Motoroid/Sholes Tablet
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10a
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
HTC Desire/Bravo
HTC Evo 4G
HTC Google Nexus One
HTC Incredible
UNO HD v3.3.1: (Patched by Djeman)
Motorola A955 Droid 2
UNO HD v3.3.5: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
UNO HD v3.4.0: (Patched by Djeman)
Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
UNO HD v3.4.5: (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Scorpion
UNO HD v3.4.6: This version has 2 different apk files. (Patched by Djeman)
HTC Desire Z
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
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